Abstract 3617: METTL16 drives leukemogenesis and maintains leukemia stem cell self-renewal via reprogramming BCAA metabolism.
What are your long-term goals?
I aim to become an independent researcher to lead a research group focusing on understanding tumorigenesis. I hope to translate the laboratory discoveries into the development of effective novel therapeutic strategies for patients with cancers (especially acute leukemia) in the clinic.
Please share information about how the pandemic has impacted your research over the last two years.
The COVID-19 pandemic and associated disruptions have had a major impact on the academic research enterprise. the COVID-19 emergency led to substantial difficulties in my research collaboration and scholarly communication. In parallel, pandemic causes shortage of experimental materials. While difficult and new, the “break” from the lab allowed us to be able to focus on reading and writing projects. Now, Many but not all research activities have successfully restarted.