Advances in cancer research—the many successes, treatments and therapies created, and lives saved—are made by dedicated scientists with the support of funding. Funding doesn’t just happen—it requires a community engaged and aware of the needs. There are many ways that you can help us rally the community; creating connections and motivating donations.


Learn about the many ways you can support the AACR by volunteering.

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Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Fundraising

There are many ways that you can help us rally the community; creating connections and motivating donations.

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Participate in an Event

Get involved in activities that benefit the AACR, from races to golf outings to public forums and everything in between.

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Corporate Partnerships

Your company can partner with the AACR in various ways to engage your employees, customers, and community while supporting cancer research.

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Be an Advocate

Let your representatives and senators know that you support increased funding for lifesaving cancer research.

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Share Your Story

Inspire, educate, and comfort others by sharing your cancer journey or your experience caring for a loved one.

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AACR Runners for Research

Join the Runners for Research team and raise money to support lifesaving cancer research.

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PvC – Players vs. Cancer

Use your gaming skills to help raise awareness and funds for lifesaving cancer research as we work together to eradicate cancer.

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Foundation Downloads

Use these tools to show your support and raise awareness for the AACR.

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The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) takes great care in placing your donation where it belongs: in the hands of scientists working on breakthroughs in cancer research.

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Donate By Phone or Mail

Use the mail-in donation form or donate by phone at (844) 385-2064.

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