AACR Timeline—Emerging Leadership in the Cancer Community: 1964-1981
- At a special meeting of the Board of Directors on December 12, the AACR offers to host the inaugural meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), to be held in 1965.
- The first Certificates of Award (later named Public Service Awards) are presented to Mary Lasker, Sen. Lister Hill (D-AL), and Rep. John E. Fogarty (D-RI) (posthumously). The citations are published in Cancer Research.


The AACR publishes its first statement on smoking, which includes a request that Annual Meeting attendees refrain from smoking in meeting rooms. Additional statements are issued over the next several decades.

- The inaugural AACR insignia is designed by Bernette B. Law, spouse of former AACR President Lloyd W. Law.

- AACR leaders advocate for the passing of the National Cancer Act and attend the signing at the White House on December 23.
- The signing of the National Cancer Act is commemorated at the Annual Meeting.
- Poster Sessions are held at the Annual Meeting for the first time.

- The inaugural AACR-Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Memorial Award is presented to Paul P. Carbone.
- The first AACR science policy committee, the Public Issues Committee, is formed.
- Frederick S. Phillips becomes Secretary-Treasurer (chief AACR administrator).
- The second history of the AACR (1941-1978) is published in
Cancer Research.

- The inaugural Award for Outstanding Achievement in Cancer Research (formerly the Rhoads Award) is presented to Malcolm A.S. Moore.
- Annual Meeting attendance exceeds 3,000.