Your investment in lifesaving research propels the important work of the more than 58,000 members of the American Association for Cancer Research in driving progress against cancer. Here are some ways you can contribute:

Where Your Money Goes

Your gift to the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) supports lifesaving cancer research.

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Sustaining Hope Club: Monthly Giving

A commitment to a monthly donation provides ongoing support for lifesaving cancer research. Monthly donors are part of our Sustaining Hope Club. 

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Create a Memorial

 Create a custom page with a photo and information about the life of your loved one where others can donate to support lifesaving cancer research in their memory. 

Create a Memorial Page
Plan Your Legacy

A legacy commitment to the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) ensures a lasting impact on scientific discovery and innovation in the treatment and prevention of cancer for generations to come.

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IRA Charitable Rollover

Contact your IRA plan administrator to make a gift from your IRA to the AACR. You can complete a form letter and provide it to your IRA administrator to expedite your donation.

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Workplace / Corporate Giving

The AACR participates in the Combined Federal Campaign, the United Way, and company matching gift programs.

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Donor Advised Fund

A donor-advised fund is a simple, flexible, and tax efficient way to support the AACR’s mission.

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Donate By Phone or Mail

Use the mail-in donation form or donate by phone at (844) 385-2064.

Download the Form