World Cancer Day: A Global Call to Action
Despite considerable progress against cancer, the disease continues to take a huge toll on global health. Each year, approximately 9.6 million people around the world die of cancer. And while some nations have seen cancer death rates stabilize or decline, many countries face rising rates of the disease. The advances in research, treatment, and diagnosis that have reduced the cancer burden in wealthier nations have not been shared by lower- or middle-income countries.
World Cancer Day is an annual effort by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to save millions of preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and education about cancer, and pressing governments and individuals across the world to take action against the disease. Although statistics vary from country to country, it is estimated that about 40 percent of cancer cases are linked to risk factors such as smoking, poor diet, and sedentary behavior. Therefore, the UICC is urging people to be aware of several modifiable behaviors that could potentially reduce cancer risk. The infographic shared here is part of their annual effort to remind us that we can all play a part in reducing the global burden of cancer.
The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) is proud to support World Cancer Day. For more information on the AACR’s efforts to increase public awareness about cancer and the research aimed at curing this disease, see the AACR Cancer Progress Report 2019. To learn more about global efforts on World Cancer Day and beyond, visit the UICC’s website.