Share Your Story
As a patient, survivor, caregiver, or loved one touched by cancer, your story can have an enormous impact. It can provide hope and inspiration to someone who’s recently been diagnosed with cancer or a patient undergoing therapy. Your story can be a compelling reason for a member of Congress to support increased funding of biomedical research. By sharing your story, others will find comfort and encouragement.

A Few Tips for Sharing
Be Open
We want to hear your story and share it with others. If you’re unsure of where to start, focus on your diagnosis, how it changed your life and what you think others facing cancer should know. If you have experience with a clinical trial or other research activities, share how that has impacted your journey.
Be Real
This is an opportunity for you to share your story with a community that understands your triumphs and your struggles. While it can be difficult to get personal, these details are what make your story unique.
Be Concise
While every detail of your story is important, we suggest keeping it between 300 and 500 words.
Thank you for sharing your story with the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). By sharing your story with the AACR, you agree that your story may be published on the AACR website or in other AACR materials. In addition, the AACR may edit the content of your submission. The AACR retains the right not to publish any story, based on its judgment. All story submissions are subject to our privacy policy.