Dr. Shawver is Chief Executive Officer of Synthorx, a company that is focused on optimizing protein therapeutics. Prior to joining Synthorx, she was CEO and Director of Cleave Biosciences, CEO of Phenomix Corporation, and president of SUGEN Inc.
Dr. Shawver received her doctorate in pharmacology at the University of Iowa. She pursued postdoctoral training at the University of Virginia Cancer Center, and Washington University. Her work in understanding the role of VEGF receptor in tumor angiogenesis led to the development of a new class of drugs including SutentTM currently marketed by Pfizer for kidney and stomach cancer.
Diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2006, she founded the non-profit organization, The Clearity Foundation which provides access to molecular profiling for women with recurrent and refractory diseases to help prioritize treatment options. Dr. Shawver is an active member of the American Association for Cancer Research currently serving on the Science Policy and Legislative Affairs Committee.