Abstract 3682. Quadruple negative breast tumors in African American women express factors associated with worse prognosis compared to triple-negative tumors.
What are your long-term career objectives?
To become a cancer research leader at an NCI-designated center. To lead a program in the biological basis of cancer disparities.
Please share information about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your research over the last two years.
While at Hampton University between 2020 and 2021 and after receiving assistance from the ThermoFisher Just Project, I helped develop and deploy a COVID-19 molecular testing lab and provided over 5000 tests to students, faculty, staff, and community members. During this time, I was limited in my ability to conduct and complete my research. Therefore, I trained students to assist in my research endeavors. I was able to adapt my undergraduate research curriculum and teach students how to analyze existing data such as TCGA data and other sources for their research projects.