Nell Greenfieldboyce

Nell Greenfieldboyce

“A new kind of blood test can screen for many cancers — as some pregnant people learn”

National Public Radio

Nell Greenfieldboyce is being honored for two outstanding stories on testing for cancer and cancer risk. The first piece, titled “A new kind of blood test can screen for many cancers — as some pregnant people learn,” reports on pregnant women who receive prenatal blood tests to screen for chromosomal abnormalities in their fetuses, only to learn that they themselves might have cancer. The story details new research seeking to understand the results these women receive and how effective they are at detecting cancer.

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“Testing your genes for cancer risk is way cheaper now — and it could save your life”

National Public Radio

In her second piece, titled “Testing your genes for cancer risk is way cheaper now — and it could save your life,” Greenfieldboyce follows the story of a young Black man with early-onset colorectal cancer who finds out through genetic testing that he has Lynch syndrome, a genetic disorder that increases the risk of developing several types of cancer. This story explores how, even though the cost of genetic testing for Lynch syndrome and other genetic disorders has decreased, the use of these tests is still underutilized, especially by racial and ethnic minorities who are at higher risk of having Lynch syndrome.

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