Tom Misteli is an NIH Distinguished Investigator and the director of the Center for Cancer Research at the National Cancer Institute, NIH, where he oversees the work of more than 250 basic and clinical research groups in the NIH Intramural Program. He obtained his PhD from the University of London, UK, and performed postdoctoral training at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York. Dr. Misteli is an internationally renowned cell biologist who pioneered the use of imaging approaches to study the 3D organization of genomes and gene expression in living cells. His laboratory’s interest is to uncover the fundamental principles of genome architecture and function and to apply this knowledge to the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, including in cancer and aging. Dr. Misteli is amongst the most-cited scientists in the life sciences and is the former editor-in-chief of The Journal of Cell Biology, the current editor-in-chief of Current Opinion in Cell Biology, and a long-standing member of the editorial boards of Cell, Science and PLOS Biology. He acts as an advisor to numerous international institutions and he was a co-author of the report by the US National Academies of Sciences on “Precision Medicine.” For his work he has received numerous awards and he is an elected Fellow of the American Society for Cell Biology.