In This Section

Financial Support for Attendance

Award applications are no longer being accepted for this conference. The Scholar-in-Training award application deadline was November 14, 2024. All award applicants will be contacted by email at the address provided with their abstract submission or on their application approximately five weeks after the application deadline. Individuals selected for an award will receive a formal notice of their award, including the award amount, and instructions to certify eligibility. Individuals who are not selected for an award and, therefore, cannot attend the conference, may request a full refund of the conference registration fee by contacting the AACR Meetings Department at [email protected].

AACR Scholar-in-Training Awards

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JCA Scholar-in-Training Awards

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For Early-Career Investigators:

The AACR fully supports the education, training, and professional development of early-career investigators.  Annual dues are longer required for Associate Membership (graduate students, medical students, residents, and postdoctoral or clinical fellows who are enrolled in education or training programs that could lead to a career in cancer research). Learn more and join today.  

AACR-Minorities in Cancer Research (MICR) Scholar Awards

Minorities in Cancer Research (MICR)—a membership group within the AACR—is working to increase the number, participation, visibility, and recognition of minority scientists in cancer research. AACR Minority and Minority-Serving Institution Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research and Minority Scholar in Cancer Research Awards are two of several programs sponsored by MICR in support of its mission. These awards are generously supported by the National Cancer Institute Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities. Learn more or email your questions.  

AACR Minority Scholar in Cancer Research Awards

The AACR is pleased to announce the availability of scholar awards in cancer research for full-time eligible minority scientists wishing to participate in AACR Annual Meetings and Special Conferences.

The purposes of this award program are to increase the scientific knowledge base of minority scientists and to encourage them to pursue careers in cancer research.

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AACR Minority and Minority-Serving Institution Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research Awards

The AACR is pleased to announce the availability of scholar awards in cancer research for full-time minority faculty and faculty members of minority-serving institutions (Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-serving Institutions, and other minority institutions as defined by the National Cancer Institute).

The purposes of this award program are to increase the scientific knowledge base of minority faculty members and faculty members at minority-serving institutions, and to encourage them and their students to pursue careers in cancer research.

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