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Online Registration Download Registration Form Pay AACR Membership Dues Apply for Membership

Registration Process

Individuals wishing to attend the conference must register either online or by returning, by mail or by fax, the registration form found above. Places at the conference are available on a first-come, first-served basis according to date of registration. Registration forms will not be processed without full payment. Copies of checks, government, or other payment orders cannot be accepted. All fees must be in U.S. currency, drawn on a U.S. bank. Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are also accepted for payment.

AACR members must include their member ID number on the registration form or log into their member account when registering online to obtain the member rates (member dues must be paid through 2019 prior to registering). Online registrations will be confirmed by email immediately. All other registrations will be confirmed by email approximately three weeks after receipt. Receipts can also be obtained online.

Please note: Registrants must log in to myAACR and go to “My Content” to access the conference. The “Attend” button on the digital ticket will become enabled approximately 30 minutes before the start time.

Registration Rates

Attendee registration includes admission to all lecture sessions; poster sessions; the opening reception on January 13; conference continental breakfasts on January 14, 15, and 16; refreshment breaks; refreshments during Poster Session A on January 14; and lunch during Poster Session B on January 15. All fees are listed in U.S. Dollars (USD).

Until December 3

After December 3

AACR Members

Active and Affiliate$950$1,175
(Undergraduate and High School)
Patient Advocate$250$350


Academic, Government and Not-for-Profit Institutions$1,255$1,445
Pre-/Postdoctoral Student2$685$840
Patient Advocate3$350$450

1 Students registering onsite must show a valid student ID.

2 Nonmember pre/postdoctoral students must have their registrar, dean, or department head certify that they are enrolled at the university and working toward a degree or fellowship in a field related to cancer research.

3 If you are a Patient Advocate registering for this conference, you must send a biography and pamphlet of your organization to the AACR Survivor and Patient Advocacy Department at for verification.

AACR Membership

AACR membership is available to individuals who are interested in joining the AACR and registering for this conference at the discounted member rates. AACR membership offers an array of benefits, including reduced subscriptions to the AACR’s eight scientific journals; abstract sponsorship privileges for AACR Annual Meetings; networking and scientific exchange with leading researchers; and more. The AACR is also eager to support the exchange of knowledge and research with investigators who are located in countries with emerging economies. Significantly reduced membership dues are available for these investigators. Additional information on AACR membership categories, as well as application forms and submission instructions, is available on the membership section of the AACR website. Applications for membership should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the start of the conference.

Membership Information Pay Membership Dues / Updates Your Profile Email Questions

Refund Policy

Requests for refunds must be made in writing and received by the AACR Meetings Department by Friday, December 13, 2019. Refund requests may be sent by fax to 215-446-9925 or by email to There will be a $75 administrative fee for processing cancellations received by December 13, 2019. After this date, no refunds can be given.