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Download the Call for Abstracts

Clinical Trial and Late-Breaking Abstracts

The abstract submission portal is closed for clinical trial and late-breaking abstract submissions. No more abstracts can be accepted for consideration for presentation at the Annual Meeting.

Key Dates: Abstract Status Notification and Embargo Release

  • February 11, 2025: Scheduling Information Sent for Regular Abstracts (submitted for November 16 deadline)
    (3 p.m. ET)
  • February 25, 2025: Status Notifications and Scheduling Information Sent for Late-Breaking and Clinical Trials Abstracts (submitted for January 16 deadline)
  • March 25, 2025: Titles and Text of Regular Abstracts Posted to Online Itinerary Planner (4:30 p.m. ET)
  • March 25, 2025: Titles of Late-Breaking and Clinical Trial Abstracts Posted to Online Itinerary Planner (4:30 p.m. ET); Abstract Texts Embargoed until April 25, 2025
  • April 25, 2024: Late-Breaking and Clinical Trials Abstract Texts Posted to Online Itinerary Planner and Meeting App (12:00 p.m. CT) and Published in an Online-only Supplement to Cancer Research

NEW: Presentation of E-posters  

While all posters accepted for presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2025 must be presented in person, poster presenters will also be required to submit a companion e-poster in either video or PDF formats. The e-poster file can be an electronic copy of the print poster, a modified version of the print poster, or a summary of the key findings. E-posters will be available online to registered Annual Meeting attendees through August 2025.  

Proffered Paper Presentation  

All proffered papers that are accepted for poster or oral presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2025 must be presented in person. Remote abstract presentations will not be permitted. Presenters who are unable to travel to Chicago to present their proffered paper in person will have the opportunity to designate a coauthor to serve as the presenter. If no coauthors are available to present the paper in person, the abstract must be withdrawn. 

Presenters of proffered abstracts that have been selected for oral presentation in a minisymposium must agree to have their presentations recorded and made available to meeting registrants on the virtual meeting platform. Presenters who decline to have their minisymposium presentation recorded will be withdrawn from the session. 

As indicated above, presenters of proffered abstracts that have been selected for poster presentation must agree to submit an e-poster by the established deadline and to make that e-poster available to meeting registrants.  

Publication of Abstracts in Cancer Research  

Abstracts accepted for presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2025 will be published in an online-only Proceedings supplement to the AACR journal Cancer Research prior to the meeting in two parts. Part 1 of the online Proceedings (regular abstracts) will be published on Friday, April 11, and Part 2 (clinical trials and late-breaking abstracts) will be published on Friday, April 25. Revised Proceedings supplements containing the full text of embargoed abstracts as well as any late changes will be published in Cancer Research approximately one month after the meeting.  

Once the abstracts are published in the journal, additional requests, edits, and withdrawals cannot be processed. Therefore, abstract authors should carefully read their abstracts before submission to ensure that all authors agree with their position on the author list, that all authors and institutions are listed correctly, and that the abstract text is correct. All requests to withdraw or edit abstracts must be received by the following deadlines: 

  • Regular Abstracts (submitted by the November 26 deadline): Thursday, February 27, 2025  
  • Clinical Trials and Late-Breaking Abstracts (submitted by the January 16 deadline): Friday, March 14, 2025 

Special Interest Submissions

The AACR encourages submission of abstracts in the following categories, which will be given special consideration for oral presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2025:  

  • Studies Using Data from AACR Project GENIE®. AACR Project GENIE® is a publicly accessible cancer registry of real-world clinic-genomic data assembled through data sharing among leading international cancer centers. While there is no specific abstract category for abstracts that describe work using AACR Project GENIE®, you can have your abstract considered by selecting “AACR Project GENIE®” as one of your keywords during the submission process. Learn more about AACR Project GENIE® at
  • Studies Featuring Advances in Hematologic Malignancies. While there is no specific abstract category for abstracts that focus basic, translational or clinical advances in hematologic malignancies, you can have your abstract considered by selecting a hematologic malignancy from the organ site list during the submission process.  
  • Studies to be Presented by Patient Advocates. Patient Advocacy and Engagement is a subcategory included in Science and Health Policy (SHP). Patient advocates may submit work to this category or any other category and simply select “Advocacy” as one of the keywords to be considered for a session featuring patient advocates as presenting authors. 

AACR Abstract Submission System  

Authors must submit abstracts for presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2025 using the AACR Abstract Submission System, which will be available beginning September 24, 2024. You can create, modify, and submit abstracts until the November 26, 2024, abstract deadline. Complete instructions on the use of the AACR Abstract Submission System will be provided on the website. 

The Abstract Submission System has been optimized for the current versions of most browsers. Browsers should be set to enable JavaScript and to accept cookies. Users who need assistance in properly updating and configuring their browsers should contact Abstract Submission Customer Service at 217-398-1792 or  

Responsibilities of Authors  

By submitting an abstract for presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting, abstract authors agree and/or attest to the following:  

  • Support for Abstract/Verification of Authorship. All authors accept individual responsibility for the accuracy and integrity of statements in their abstract, and the submitting author is required to ensure that all authors have confirmed that all statements are an accurate reflection of the presented data, that they have all agreed to the submission of the abstract, and that they agree with being listed as contributors prior to submission. The submitting author is also required to ensure that all relevant contributors to the abstract are included in the list of authors.  
  • Sponsorship of Abstracts. The submitting author must provide the name of an AACR member who has agreed to sponsor the abstract, and the submitting author must attest that the permission of the member sponsor has been secured prior to initiating an abstract submission.
  • Transfer of Copyright. On behalf of all authors, the submitting author must assign and transfer copyright for the abstract to the AACR.  
  • Presentation of Abstracts. All proffered papers scheduled for presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2025 must be presented in person. The submitting author for each abstract must designate a presenter who agrees to register for the meeting and attend the corresponding session to discuss in detail the research presented in the published abstract. If the assigned presenter cannot attend the meeting, the authors are expected to designate a replacement or withdraw the abstract. 
  • Confirmation of No Prior Publication/Presentation. Authors who submit an abstract confirm that they have not previously published these data, that they have not previously presented them at a large national annual scientific meeting, and that they are not planning to present or publish them prior to the dates of the AACR Annual Meeting 2025. Preprints (draft research papers posted online before peer review) are not considered to be a prior publication if they are posted online before abstracts are submitted to the AACR Annual Meeting. 

    Abstracts submitted to the AACR Annual Meeting are confidential and embargoed until the AACR publishes the abstracts in the AACR’s online itinerary planner.

    Exceptions: Encore presentations are permitted for clinical trials abstracts that are submitted for the January 16, 2025, clinical trials deadline; however, these submissions must include significant additional data beyond the previous presentation (as determined by the AACR Clinical Trials Committee; view the encore presentation guidelines for additional information). During the submission process, authors of encore clinical trials abstracts must provide the date and name of the meeting at which the original trial abstract was presented.  

    Certain laws may require disclosure of clinical trial data through federal and international registries within a specific amount of time following trial completion, or disclosure of clinical trial data by federal and international agencies for regulatory purposes related to drug safety and efficacy. Such disclosures will not be considered a violation of the AACR’s Embargo Policy, but the courtesy of advance notice to the AACR by email at is requested.  Any other exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of AACR leadership. 
View the Abstract Release Schedule and Embargo Policy

Content of Abstracts  

Each abstract should contain (a) an introductory sentence indicating the purposes of the study; (b) a brief description of pertinent experimental procedures; (c) a summary of the new, unpublished data; and (d) a statement of the conclusions.  

Abstracts should be carefully proofread to avoid errors in the published literature. American spelling should be used throughout; for more information regarding American spelling, please refer to Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, Eighth Edition (Council of Science Editors, 2014).  

Use of Generative AI

Generative artificial intelligence (AI), as with traditional automated and manual editing services, has the potential to improve the clarity of submitted abstracts when used to help revise or translate text written by the author. Authors may use AI in the development of abstracts submitted for presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2025 under the following conditions:

  • Any use of AI in connection with the conduct of the study underlying the abstract must be described in the Methods section of the abstract.
  • Any use of AI to produce new text or other material for an abstract must be disclosed in a sentence at the end of the abstract body.
  • All abstract authors are fully responsible for reviewing their completed abstract (regardless of how the abstract was written) to verify the accuracy and integrity of all statements prior to submission.

The complete AACR policy regarding the use of AI in the development of abstracts and manuscripts for publication is available on the AACR Journals website.

Abstract Control Number and Abstract Presentation Number 

An Abstract Control Number (e.g., 25-A-1234-AACR) will be assigned to each abstract submitted online and will be listed on all email correspondence regarding the abstract. Please refer to the Abstract Control Number in any abstract communications.  

The Control Number is for internal reference only. If your abstract is accepted for presentation, it will be assigned a permanent Presentation Number that will be used to identify it in all online and PDF abstract materials. Please place the Presentation Number on your poster and use it in citations of your published abstract. Do not place the Control Number on your poster. 

Financial Relationships of Coauthors  

Per ACCME regulations, the AACR must collect information on the financial relationships of all meeting presenters and abstract authors. You will be asked to disclose your financial relationships and the financial relationships of each of your coauthors. For more information on financial relationships, visit the Continuing Medical Education page.

Sponsor Permission and Information  

Each abstract must be sponsored by an AACR member. You must secure the permission of the sponsor before submitting the abstract.

Length of Abstracts  

The combined length of the abstract body, title, and tables may not exceed 2,600 characters, not including spaces and the author string. Tables count for 800 characters against the limit. Submission cannot be completed for abstracts that exceed this limit. Figures are not permitted in abstract submissions.

Abstract Category, Subcategory, and Subclassification  

You must select a category, subcategory, and subclassification for your abstract. The list of categories will be provided in the Abstract Submission System and are also available for download as a PDF.

Download the Abstract Category List

Disclosure of Chemical Structures  

Chemical compounds are defined as low-molecular-weight (generally <1500 g/mol) organic or inorganic molecules, peptides, or proteins/nucleic acids cocrystallized with low-molecular-weight molecules. If chemical compounds were used to generate the data in the abstract, the corresponding author is encouraged but not required to disclose the complete chemical structures of the compounds used at the time of presentation at the meeting.  

Submission Fee  

Each abstract submitted must be accompanied by a US$85 abstract submission fee. The submission fee can be paid by credit card or check. The fee is nonrefundable regardless of the final disposition of the abstract. 

Regular Abstract Deadline

The deadline for abstract submissions is 11:59 p.m. U.S. ET, Tuesday, November 26, 2024. Abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be considered by the Program Committee. No significant changes may be made to abstracts after the November 26, 2024, deadline. The deadline for withdrawing regular abstracts is Thursday, February 27, 2025. Regular abstracts cannot be removed from the meeting resources after that date.

NOTE: Submitting an abstract for presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting 2025 does not constitute registration for the meeting. Abstract presenters must register to attend the meeting.

Late-Breaking Abstract Deadlines  

The deadline for late-breaking abstracts is 11:59 p.m. U.S. ET, Thursday, January 16, 2025. Abstracts detailing highly significant and timely findings in any area of cancer research that were not available at the time of the regular abstract deadline will be considered for presentation at the Annual Meeting. Only those abstracts that are deemed to be of high scientific priority will be accepted.  

Abstract submission fees and sponsorship regulations also apply to late-breaking abstracts. The deadline for withdrawing late-breaking abstracts is Friday, March 14, 2025. Late-breaking abstracts cannot be removed from the meeting resources after that date.

Clinical Trials Abstract Deadlines  

The deadline for clinical trials abstracts (including placeholder abstracts) is 11:59 p.m. U.S. ET, Thursday, January 16, 2025. Final data for placeholder abstracts are due Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Abstract submission fees and sponsorship regulations also apply to clinical trials abstracts. The deadline for withdrawing clinical trial abstracts is Friday, March 14, 2025. Clinical trial abstracts cannot be removed from the meeting resources after that date.

Publication Opportunities  

Abstract authors are welcome to submit manuscripts based on their meeting abstracts to AACR journals for consideration for publication. Manuscripts submitted by the following deadlines can be considered for publication simultaneously with the AACR Annual Meeting, provided major revisions are not required:  

  • January 27, 2025: Deadline for manuscripts based on regular abstracts (submitted by November 26, 2024) 
  • February 24, 2025: Deadline for manuscripts based on clinical trial and late-breaking abstracts (submitted by January 16, 2025) 

In addition, manuscripts can be considered for publication beyond the simultaneous opportunity. For more information on all publication opportunities in an AACR journal, please read the FAQ or contact the AACR Publishing Division at

Presentation of Proffered Papers at the AACR Annual Meeting  

Every proffered abstract that has been accepted for publication in the online Proceedings must have a corresponding in-person presentation at the meeting. Specifically, the author listed as the presenter for an accepted proffered paper must attend the corresponding session to discuss in detail the research outlined in the published abstract, according to the specific guidelines of the session. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, the designated presenter is unavailable to attend the session to present the paper, he or she must contact the AACR Scientific Programs Department to designate a coauthor to serve as the presenter. If no abstract authors are available to present the data, the presenter must withdraw the abstract immediately by contacting the AACR Scientific Programs Department at 

Failure to comply with these regulations pertaining to abstract presentation may result in actions including, but not limited to:  

  • The withdrawal of the abstract from the session  
  • The removal of the abstract from the online Proceedings  
  • The loss of future sponsorship privileges for the sponsor of the abstract  
  • The loss of future abstract submission/authorship privileges for the presenter of the abstract  

Deadline for Withdrawal of Abstracts  

Requests to withdraw regular abstracts will be accepted through Thursday, February 27, 2025. Requests to withdraw late-breaking or clinical trials abstracts will be accepted through Friday, March 14, 2025. Withdrawal requests must be sent by email to Withdrawal requests must include the Abstract Control Number and title as well as an explanation of the reason for withdrawal.  

Abstract Sponsorship Regulations  

Expanded Abstract Sponsorship Privileges for AACR Members  

Members must be in good standing in order to sponsor and endorse abstracts for presentation (see below for details). To be in good standing for the November 26 regular abstract deadline, member dues must be paid in full through 2024. To be in good standing for the January 16 late-breaking and clinical trials abstract deadline, member dues must be paid in full through 2025. Associate, Honorary, and Emeritus Members are exempt from the payment of dues; therefore, this regulation does not apply to them. 

  1. Each abstract submitted for presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting must be sponsored by an Active, Emeritus, Honorary, Affiliate, or Associate AACR Member in good standing (dues paid or eligibility recertified). (Student members are not eligible to sponsor an abstract.)  
  2. An Active, Emeritus, or Honorary Member may sponsor an unlimited number of abstracts and may use his or her sponsorship privileges in two ways: (a) to sponsor abstracts on which he or she is listed as an author, or (b) to sponsor abstracts submitted by colleagues on which he or she is not listed as an author.  
  3. An Associate Member in good standing may sponsor one abstract for each submission deadline provided that (a) he or she is the presenter of the abstract, and (b) an Active, Emeritus, or Honorary Member in good standing endorses the work. Active, Emeritus, and Honorary Members may endorse an unlimited number of abstracts.  
  4. An Affiliate Member in good standing may sponsor one abstract for each submission deadline provided that he or she is the presenter of the abstract. (Affiliate Members are not required to provide an endorser.)  
  5. Permission to list an AACR member as a sponsor or endorser must be obtained prior to selecting the sponsor/endorser in the Online Abstract Submission System. Individuals listed as sponsors of abstracts will receive a notification of sponsorship selection via email.  
  6. The sponsor must verify the content, authenticity, and quality of the abstract. Sponsorship of an abstract implies support for the data and the interpretations contained therein.  

COMPLIANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE AUTHORS. Adherence to these rules will be strictly enforced. Violations will result in the rejection of the abstract by the Program Committee.  

Membership Application Deadlines for Abstract Sponsorship  

Nonmember individuals interested in joining the AACR and sponsoring an abstract for AACR Annual Meeting 2025 must submit an application for membership no later than October 28, 2024. Individuals interested in joining the AACR and sponsoring a clinical trial or late-breaking abstract must submit an application for membership no later than December 16, 2024. Membership questions may be directed to