Financial Support for Attendance
Through the generosity of its loyal supporters, the AACR is pleased to provide financial support to meritorious undergraduate students and early-career scientists residing anywhere in the world, and also to members of minority groups residing in the United States and Canada that have been traditionally underrepresented in cancer research and biomedical science, to assist them in attending the AACR Annual Meeting. Detailed information about these award programs, including eligibility and selection criteria, is available below.
AACR Scholar-in-Training Awards
Exclusive Member Benefit
Scholar-in-Training Awards are available for Associate Members in good standing (membership current through 2024) who are the presenters of meritorious proffered papers at the AACR Annual Meeting 2025. These awards are made possible by the generosity of supporting foundations and corporations. Nonmember graduate students, medical students and residents, clinical fellows or equivalent, and postdoctoral fellows who wish to apply for a Scholar-in-Training Award should submit their AACR membership applications by October 28, 2024. To apply for a Scholar-in-Training Award, an applicant must first submit an abstract and then complete a separate award application. While awards will be based on meritorious applications across scientific disciplines, some funding for the AACR Annual Meeting 2025 has been designated to support awards for applicants meeting specific scientific or geographic criteria. For details of the application process and the selection criteria, please visit the Scholar-in-Training Award page. Application deadline: November 26, 2024.
AACR Global Scholar-in-Training Award
Global Scholar-in-Training Awards (GSITA) are available for eligible early-career investigators in countries building cancer research capacities. Applicants must submit an abstract to the AACR Annual Meeting 2025 and then complete a separate GSITA application. Applicants must be Associate Members of the AACR in good standing (membership current through 2024). Student Members completing a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), or other international undergraduate medical degree equivalent to an advanced medical degree in the United States, are also welcome to apply. Nonmember undergraduate students pursuing an international medical degree, graduate students, medical students and residents, clinical fellows or equivalent, and postdoctoral fellows who wish to apply for a GSITA should submit a Membership Application Form by October 28, 2024, before submitting their GSITA application. For additional details and a list of eligible countries, visit the GSITA page. Application deadline: November 26, 2024.
AACR Patient Advocates in Cancer Research Awards
AACR Patient Advocates in Cancer Research Awards are available to patient advocates presenting meritorious abstracts at the AACR Annual Meeting. To apply for this award, an applicant must first submit an abstract and then complete a separate award application and patient advocate verification form. For more information, please visit the Patient Advocacy page. Application deadline: March 1, 2025.
AACR-Minorities in Cancer Research (MICR)-Sponsored Awards
AACR Minority and Minority-Serving Institution Faculty (MMSIF) Scholar in Cancer Research Awards
Full-time underrepresented minority faculty and faculty of Minority-Serving Institutions (Historically Black Colleges and Universities [HBCUs], Hispanic-Serving Institutions [HSIs], American Indian Tribally-Controlled Colleges and Universities [AITCCUs], and other postsecondary institutions as defined by the U.S. Department of Education) who present a proffered paper at the AACR Annual Meeting are encouraged to apply for this meritorious scholar award.
These awards are intended to increase the scientific knowledge base of minority faculty and faculty at MSIs, to encourage them in their research, and to assist in inspiring their students to pursue careers in cancer research. Only citizens of the United States or Canada, or scientists who are permanent residents of these countries, may receive one of these awards. For details or to submit an application, visit the award page. Application deadline: December 13, 2024.
AACR Minority Scholar in Cancer Research Awards
Presenters of proffered papers who are full-time predoctoral (graduate or medical) students, residents, and clinical or postdoctoral fellows who are engaged in cancer research or have the training and potential to make contributions to this field are encouraged to apply for this meritorious scholar award. This program applies only to racial/ethnic minority groups that have been identified by the NCI as being traditionally underrepresented in cancer and biomedical research, e.g., African American/Black, Alaskan Native, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, and Native Pacific Islander. Only citizens of the United States or Canada, or scientists who are permanent residents of these countries, may receive one of these awards. For details or to apply, visit the award page. Application deadline: December 13, 2024.
AACR-Women in Cancer Research (WICR) Scholar Awards
The AACR-Women in Cancer Research (WICR) Scholar Award is a highly competitive award recognizing WICR members who are scientists-in-training and presenters of meritorious scientific papers at the AACR Annual Meeting. The purpose of this award is to increase the scientific knowledge base of WICR members and to encourage them to pursue careers in cancer research. Eligible candidates encouraged to apply include AACR-WICR members who are graduate students, medical students, residents, clinical fellows, and postdoctoral fellows. Nonmembers are encouraged to join the AACR and apply. For details or to apply, visit the award page. Application deadline: December 6, 2024
AACR Undergraduate Scholar Awards
The AACR is pleased to provide this highly competitive award program, which is intended to inspire third-year science students to enter the field of cancer research and to provide a unique educational opportunity for these students in the development of their careers in science. Selected students will receive scholar awards to participate in two consecutive AACR Annual Meetings. To learn more about this award program, visit the award page. Application deadline: December 6, 2024.