Professional Advancement Opportunities
In support of its mission to promote the education and training of cancer scientists and clinicians, and to cultivate a highly skilled and diverse cancer research workforce, the AACR provides AACR Annual Meeting attendees at all career stages—from high school and undergraduate students to senior investigators—with opportunities to advance their careers.
NextGen Stars
The AACR Annual Meeting 2025 marks the 11th anniversary of the prestigious and competitive AACR NextGen Stars program. Early-career scientists can apply to give a presentation in a Major Symposium or Advances Session at the AACR Annual Meeting 2025. Speaking slots are limited and are only available to AACR Associate Members and to AACR Active Members who are not above the level of assistant professor or equivalent. The NextGen Stars program provides an exciting opportunity to increase the visibility of early-career and early-stage scientists at the AACR Annual Meeting and to support their professional development and advancement.
The deadline to submit applications was 5:00 p.m. U.S. ET, October 10 2024. Applicants selected as NextGen Stars for 2025 will receive travel support and complimentary registration for the meeting.
Professional Advancement
Series Exclusive Member Benefit
The Professional Advancement Series of sessions has long been an integral part of the AACR Annual Meeting experience and is dedicated to the education, training, and career advancement of cancer research investigators at all stages of their careers. A collaborative effort each year by the AACR Science Education and Career Advancement Committee, Minorities in Cancer Research (MICR) Council, Women in Cancer Research (WICR) Council, Associate Member Council (AMC), and the Publications Committee, these sessions provide several interactive and engaging professional development and career advancement opportunities to investigators at all levels, including students, early-career scientists, and early-stage investigators.
All Professional Advancement Sessions are free and exclusive to AACR members. There is no cost to join the AACR as an Associate Member (graduate students, medical students and residents, and clinical and postdoctoral fellows who are enrolled in education or training programs that could lead to a career in cancer research) or Student Member (undergraduate and high school students). If you are not an AACR member, you are strongly encouraged to join the AACR and take advantage of the opportunity to attend these sessions and receive the many other benefits of membership, including the privilege of sponsoring abstracts, significantly reduced member registration rates, and more. Visit the AACR Membership section and apply today!
The full listing of sessions in the Professional Advancement Series to be held at the Annual Meeting 2025 will be announced in the fall. Space is limited and participation is available on a first-come, first-served basis for all sessions except the Grant Writing Workshop and Personalized Career Conversations, which require advance registration.
Productive Peer Review: Improving Science while Avoiding Common Pitfalls
Moderated by Editors of AACR scientific journals, this interactive session will focus on how to become a proficient reviewer and how to effectively respond to reviewers’ comments.
Grant Writing Workshop
This session aims to provide new investigators (postdoctoral fellows and new faculty) with practical tools to write competitive grants. Focus is on how to write well for grants, how to structure an aims page to help the reviewer “get” all the information you want them to, and how to write an aims page that makes a reviewer excited about your grant. We will address different types of grants from NIH (Rs, Ks, Fs etc.) as well as grants from other countries. We will also discuss Summary Statements (“pink sheets”) and have a roundtable where participants can network and ask experienced scientists questions about the grants they are working on. Preregistration is required.
Personalized Career Conversations
This session provides a unique opportunity for early-career AACR Associate members to participate in 15-minute one-on-one conversations with distinguished cancer researchers from across various sectors—including academia, government, and industry. Distinguished session chairs will moderate informal discussions on important topics in the general session while one-on-one discussions are underway, and participants will have an opportunity to informally network with peers and members of the organizing groups to gain additional perspectives about various career topics. Preregistration is required to participate in one-on-one conversations.
How to Design a Successful Career Path in Cancer Research: The Do’s and Don’ts for Early-stage Investigators
This session is intended for early-stage investigators to acquire skills and develop key strategies in order to avoid “pitfalls” and develop “alternative” tactics to enhance the probability of success in their first independent leadership position. This session is designed specifically for those who have already made the transition from trainee to the next career stage inside and outside of academia. This is an absolute must-attend session for all early-stage investigators.
Navigating the Path to a Successful Career in Cancer Research
This exciting and interactive session and networking reception provides a forum in which students, early-career researchers, and early-stage investigators can discuss critical career development topics and survival skills during informal mentored roundtable discussions. Tables with predetermined professional development topics are facilitated by established scientists from a variety of sectors, including academia, government, and industry
Building an Effective Mentorship Team: Essential Strategies at Every Stage in Your Career
Navigating a successful career in cancer research, whether in academia, industry, or government, can be daunting. Establishing a team of mentors to guide you along the way is an essential step as you begin your journey. In this highly interactive session, cancer researchers with a strong commitment to mentoring and supporting the professional development of cancer research investigators, will share their knowledge and experience leading mentoring teams. Hear their stories and learn how to build and take full advantage of an effective mentoring team, whether you are a trainee, an early-stage investigator, or a later stage investigator considering a career change.
Additional Professional Development Opportunities
Professional Development Workshop: Women and Power—Advancing and Securing Your Career in Science
Sponsored by The Victoria’s Secret Global Fund for Women’s Cancers, in partnership with Pelotonia and AACR-Women in Cancer Research
This highly interactive, professional development workshop will focus on leadership training for women in science, at all stages of their careers. The four-hour workshop will consist of a plenary session and small group exercises where attendees will hone their ability to recognize their sources of power, understand and leverage their circles of influence to achieve audacious goals, and deepen their connections with female colleagues. The workshop will be led by hfp consulting, a globally-recognized firm that specializes in career development and leadership training exclusively for scientists. Pre-registration is required as space is limited for this special workshop. Email with questions.
20th Annual Undergraduate Student Caucus and Poster Competition
With more than 250 undergraduate student participants every year, the AACR Undergraduate Student Caucus and Poster Competition continues to be the premier event for undergraduate students attending the AACR Annual Meeting. Now in its 20th year, this program provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to learn more about current research in the cancer field, hear from investigators about educational pathways and career development, explore career options in the cancer field, and compete for the Margaret Foti Foundation Undergraduate Prizes for Cancer Research while presenting research. Undergraduates at all levels and postbaccalaureate students are welcome to participate in this highly anticipated program at no cost. To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please visit. To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please visit the website or send an email to
Abstract Submission Deadline (presenting): March 14, 2025
Registration Deadline (nonpresenting): March 31, 2025
AACR Special Program for High School Students: The Conquest of Cancer and the Next Generation of Cancer Researchers
The Special Program for High School Students promotes interactions between senior cancer scientists and promising students in order to facilitate the contributions of these students to scientific research and the conquest of cancer. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to learn about cancer research and careers in biomedical research and medicine. The session is free, but space is limited.
Abstract Submission Deadline (presenting): March 14, 2025
Registration Deadline (nonpresenting): March 31, 2025
AACR’s is a year-round career development resource center. The Center provides an unparalleled opportunity for cancer and biomedical research scientists, at all professional levels, and for clinicians who are seeking to advance their scientific careers to be provided with career development resources. Employers who are seeking to recruit highly qualified scientists are offered the opportunity to utilize the resources available to them on as a premier recruiting tool. For more information, visit or email
AACR Annual Cancer and Biomedical Research Career Fair
The AACR Annual Cancer and Biomedical Research Career Fair will take place at the AACR Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, April 26, 2025, from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Visit for more information or to register for the 2025 Career Fair, or email
Employers will:
• Meet with candidates at all scientific levels
• Post open positions
• Review CVs/resumes
Job seekers will:
• Meet with employers face-to-face from academia, industry, and government institutions
• Upload CVs/resumes on
• Sign up for Job Alerts Hub Hub
The AACR provides Career and Professional Development opportunities to scientists at all career levels at the Hub. AACR will host several Career Development and recruiting events at the AACR Annual Meeting 2025 beginning on Sunday, April 27 through Wednesday, April 30, 2025, in the CancerCareers Hub, located in AACR Central in the McCormick Place Convention Center.
The CancerCareers Hub is open during the following hours:
Sunday, April 27 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Monday, April 28 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tuesday, April 29 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Wednesday, April 30 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Create your FREE jobseeker profile account to search for positions, post your CV/Resume, create Job Alerts, and take advantage of other features. For more information, visit or email
Networking Hubs
Taking place on Sunday, April 27, from 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m., the AACR Networking Hubs will once again offer a “can’t miss” opportunity for young investigators. The Hubs will target several rapidly advancing areas of research. There will be no formal program, but the Hubs offer a fun opportunity to socialize and network with colleagues, potential collaborators, and some of the most respected investigators in the cancer research community. Look for more information in the coming months.