AACR Oncology Industry Partnering Event: From Cancer Discoveries to Patients
April 24-25, 2025
McCormick Convention Center West
Chicago, Illinois
Michael A. Caligiuri, City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, California
Christiana Bardon, MPM | BioImpact Capital, Boston, Massachusetts
William N. Hait, Johnson & Johnson (ret.), New Brunswick, New Jersey
The AACR is excited to present the Second AACR Oncology Industry Partnering Event: From Cancer Discoveries to Patients on April 24-25, 2025, in Chicago, immediately prior to the AACR Annual Meeting 2025. Following the success of the inaugural program in San Diego that attracted over 400 attendees, the 2025 program will expand to accommodate up to 1,000 attendees and provide opportunities for participation from both major pharmaceutical companies and small-mid size biotechnology companies. This oncology-focused event will again attract researchers and industry partners to share innovation strategies for drug development and present analysts and investors with new partnership and licensing opportunities to advance these concepts.
AACR is known for facilitating innovation through translational science – turning clinical observations and early scientific discoveries into actionable insights and patient interventions more efficiently. Hosting the AACR Oncology Industry Partnering Event is an important example of how the AACR is connecting clinicians and pharma, accelerating progress with cancer treatments and cures that directly benefit patients globally. The 2025 program will feature opportunities for more industry partners to present in one of two session rooms and has been expanded to accommodate up to 1,000 attendees.