Abstracts to be Presented as Short Talks
Abstracts to be Presented as Poster Presentations
All individuals listed as ABSTRACT PRESENTERS will be notified of acceptance or rejection by email approximately five (5) weeks after the abstract submission deadline. Notices and instructions will be sent to the email address provided at the time of abstract submission. If an abstract is not selected for presentation, the presenter may request a full refund of the registration fee by contacting the AACR Meetings Department at meetings@aacr.org.
Abstracts selected for presentation during the conference (poster or oral) will be posted on the virtual meeting platform at 5:30 p.m. on October 1. Every effort will be made to reproduce the content of the abstracts as submitted, except in certain circumstances where changes may be made to comply with AACR style. Abstract titles and authors (no data) will be posted on the AACR website before the meeting begins.
Poster presenters will be encouraged to participate in-person at the conference but will not be required to do so if unable to travel to Portland. Poster presenters participating in-person will be required to present a physical poster; poster presenters unable to travel to Portland will be required to submit a short video for the virtual conference platform. The short videos and associated abstracts will be released at the start of the in-person meeting on the virtual platform. See a sample poster layout.
For programs that include proffered talks selected from the abstract submissions, instructions will be sent to the ABSTRACT PRESENTERS with the date, time, and format for those presentations. All short talk presenters from the U.S. will be required to participate in-person. Those from outside the U.S. who are selected to present short talks will be encouraged to participate in-person, but may present remotely if unable to travel to Portland.
Individuals planning on presenting an abstract at this conference are encouraged to register and make a room reservation at the conference hotel as early as possible. If an abstract is not accepted for presentation at the conference, the presenter may request a full refund of the registration fee. For additional information, please visit the REGISTRATION and ACCOMMODATIONS AND TRAVEL webpages.
Once an abstract has been submitted, it may be withdrawn only by written request from the ABSTRACT PRESENTER. The request may be emailed to programs@aacr.org and must be received at least 30 days prior to the start of the conference.