April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

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Cancer of the testis, or testicular cancer, is a relatively uncommon disease. It accounts for about 0.5% of all the cancers diagnosed in the United States every year. In 2024, according to estimates by the National Cancer Institute, about 9,760 men were diagnosed with testicular cancer, and about 500 died from it.

Genetics and family history play a large role in testicular cancer. Family history is one of the strongest risk factors currently known for testicular cancer: a man is much more likely to develop testicular cancer if his brother or father had it before him, than if they didn’t. Another important risk factor is having an undescended testicle, or having abnormal development of a testicle. However, testicular cancer also occurs in men who have none of these risk factors.

Testicular cancer forms when cancerous cells develop in one or both testicles. Almost all begin in the germ cells of the testicles, which are responsible for producing immature sperm before the sperm travels to the epididymis where it is stored and matures. The two main types of these testicular germ cell tumors are seminomas and nonseminomas, with nonseminomas typically being more aggressive.

High survival rate

Testicular cancer most often develops in young and middle-aged men. In fact, it is the most common form of cancer in 20- to 35-year-old men. Fortunately, it is highly treatable and can often be cured. The five-year relative survival rate for men diagnosed with testicular cancer is about 95%, according to the NCI.

Signs and symptoms of testicular cancer include swelling or discomfort in either testicle or a buildup of fluid in the scrotum. A painless lump or a change in how a testicle feels is also a potential sign of cancer.

Psychological Issues and Long-term Impact

Testicular cancer is associated with psychological challenges to a greater degree than typically found in other cancers. A study published in 2022 assessed the burden of psychiatric disorders among adult cancer patients. It found that patients with testicular cancer had the highest burden across all disorders, with 98% of patients reporting episodes of depression.

Other long-term effects of treatment from chemotherapy and/or radiation that survivors may face include risk of secondary cancer and fertility problems. Learn more about how testicular cancer is treated and the potential long-term impact on Cancer Research Catalyst, the official blog of the AACR.

one person’s story

Read how grit and determination helped major-league baseball player Connor Joe get back into the lineup after a diagnosis of testicular cancer. His story is in Cancer Today, a magazine published by the AACR for cancer patients, survivors, and their caregivers: Grinding Through It.

for more information

Please see our page on testicular cancer, which includes information on screening and treatment.