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Community Resources

Organizations, Agencies, and Websites

Sources of information and support within the cancer community can sometimes seem hard to find, and at other times the options are overwhelming. We’ve organized more than a hundred resources here to make it easier for you to identify the information, services and assistance you’re trying to find. Search below for information on cancer-related nonprofit organizations, advocacy groups, government agencies, research and professional organizations, and informational websites.

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Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research

Through its website, Lustgarten provides information on pain management and clinical trials for patients with pancreatic cancer and a glossary of cancer terms. The website also features Interview With An Expert, an interview series that provides in-depth information from leading experts in the field of pancreatic cancer. Lustgarten supports pancreatic cancer research by hosting an annual scientific conference and providing research grants to scientists.

Lymphoma Research Foundation

The Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF) promotes lymphoma research by raising funds and educating the public about the disease. The foundation provides educational materials and support for people living with lymphoma, and publishes fact sheets, brochures and booklets on Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The LRF’s activities include matching patients with peer support through its Lymphoma Support Network and sponsoring lectures for scientists who conduct lymphoma research.


Malecare is an organization devoted to the health needs of men. The organization provides information on prostate cancer, testicular cancer and male breast cancer. Malecare also provides information on the sexual side effects of cancer treatment. It also hosts nationwide support groups. The organization facilitates cancer support groups for gay men and also reaches out to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people through its LGBT cancer project. Information on the Malecare website is available in a variety of languages, including Spanish, French, Italian and Russian.

Marti Nelson Cancer Foundation

The Marti Nelson Cancer Foundation and its website,, work to make effective and safe cancer treatments available to cancer patients. The website provides information on standard and non-standard treatment options, clinical trials and experimental drugs. The organization is volunteer-driven and provides free services.

Mautner Project of Whitman-Walker Health

The Mautner Project of Whitman-Walker Health is a support and advocacy organization dedicated to improving the health of lesbian, bisexual and transgender women and their families, especially those with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. The Mautner Project aims to educate LBT women about their health and to educate health care providers about their LBT patients. Among its many activities, the Mautner Project coordinates in-person support groups and offers phone-support services.

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic, a not-for-profit medical practice, is comprised of more than 3,300 physicians, scientists and researchers. Visitors to its website will find comprehensive guides created by medical experts on hundreds of diseases and conditions. Information is also available regarding symptoms, drugs and supplements, and tests and procedures.

Melanoma International Foundation

The Melanoma International Foundation provides information on how to detect melanoma and tips on coping with a melanoma diagnosis. The Melanoma International Foundation has an extensive list of melanoma treatment centers on its website.

Mesothelioma Web

Mesothelioma Web is a website committed to the needs of patients diagnosed with mesothelioma. The site provides answers to commonly asked questions, as well as resources about treatment options, clinical trials and choosing a doctor. The website has a section devoted to veterans, who are at high risk for contracting mesothelioma. Free information packets detailing the material listed on the site may also be ordered.

Mothers Supporting Daughters with Breast Cancer

Mothers Supporting Daughters with Breast Cancer is an organization for the mothers of breast cancer patients and survivors. The organization provides support for mothers and matches them with other women who have daughters with breast cancer. MSDBC also provides support for women diagnosed with the disease. The group publishes informational booklets for mothers and for women who are diagnosed with breast cancer.