In This Section

Science of Cancer Health Disparities

September 21-24, 2024
The Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites
Los Angeles, California

Cancer survivors and advocates are important members of the research community and valuable participants at the 17th AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved.

The following is a brief overview of the opportunities available to cancer survivors and patient advocates at the conference.

Welcome and Opening Session

Saturday, September 21 | 4:50-5:05 p.m. | Sacramento / San Francisco / San Jose Ballroom

Patient Advocate Keynote
Ricki Fairley, TOUCH, The Black Breast Cancer Alliance, Annapolis, Maryland


Patient advocates are invited to present posters on initiatives and programs implemented to help reduce cancer health disparities.

Saturday, September 21, 2024 | 7–8:30 P.M. | Pasadena

Sunday, September 22, 2024 | 7–8:30 P.M. | Pasadena

Monday, September 23, 2024 | 7–8:30 P.M. | Pasadena

Continental breakfast and Professional networking roundtables

Roundtable discussions facilitated by leaders in the patient advocacy field will be part of the conference’s professional networking roundtable sessions. All attendees are welcome to join the discussion.

Sunday, September 22, 2024 | 7-8 A.M. | Pasadena | Topic: Community Engagement, Desirée A. H. Walker, Young Survival Coalition, New York, New York

Monday, September 23, 2024 | 7-8 A.M. | Pasadena | Topic: Patient Advocates in Cancer Research  

Patient Advocacy Lounge

The AACR Patient Advocacy Lounge provides an opportunity to connect with patient advocates attending the meeting. This meeting space is open to all patient advocates attending the conference.

Sunday, September 22, 2024 | 10:00 A.M.– 5:00 P.M. | Beaudry B

Monday, September 23, 2024 | 10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. | Beaudry B

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 | 10:00 A.M. – Noon | Beaudry B

Patient Advocate Roundtable: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Health Equity

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize research and public health by automating data analysis, generating new insights, and supporting the discovery of new knowledge. However, the implementation of AI in public health is not universal due to factors including limited infrastructure, lack of technical understanding, insufficient data, and ethical/privacy issues. This session will collect feedback from patient advocates on next steps to ensure that AI benefits all members of the cancer community. Invitation only.

Sunday, September 22, 2024 | 12:30-2:30 P.M. | Beaudry B

Tiffany A. Wallace, NCI-CRCHD, Rockville, Maryland 

Carmen White, Multicultural Participant Experience, Pfizer, New York New York

PAtient Advocate community networking

A moderated discussion for patient advocates and early career researchers to explore opportunities and best practices on patient engagement in cancer research. Invitation only.

Monday, September 23, 2024 | 12:30 – 2:30 P.M. | Beaudry B

Session Chair: Kimlin Tam Ashing, City of Hope, Duarte, California

Ghecemy Lopez, Cedars-Sinai Cancer COE, Los Angeles, California

Zen Glick, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

advocacy at the bench: diverse voices of cancer survivorship

An interdisciplinary team science approach to cancer survivorship research that is informed by the voices of community members, such as patient advocates, promises to improve health care and health status for racial and ethnic minorities and other underserved populations. During this session advocates will provide practical insights on how the research community can optimize patient engagement in cancer research.

Monday, September 23, 2024 | 5:00 – 6:00 P.M. | Sacramento / San Francisco / San Jose Ballroom

Session Chair: Kimlin Tam Ashing, City of Hope, Duarte, California

Engaging the Black Community for Paradigm Shifting, Practice Changing, and Policy Altering Impact
Rhonda Smith, Black Health Network

Young, Living, and Working with Cancer: Is Research, Practice and Policy Keeping Up Jason Diaz, Hope for Stomach Cancer

Prioritizing Cancer Equity in First Peoples
Anna Knight, California Area Indian Health Service

Faith Over Fear For Conquering Cancer: Partnering with Faith Community Pastor John McCall, Bethel Missionary Church


The AACR gratefully acknowledges the following supporter.

Pfizer Oncology

Additional AACR CHD Resources:

AACR Cancer Disparities Progress Report

Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials: Design and Implementation of Clinical Trials Workshop in Partnership with AACR

AACR Constituency Group: Minorities in Cancer Research