Known for having cloned the first full-length cDNA for a member of the matrix-degrading metalloproteinase (MMP) family of enzymes, Dr. Matrisian has extensively studied the MMP’s, elucidating their role at the molecular level in various stages of cancer. This research included investigations into how growth factors and oncogenes induce the expression of the metalloproteinase genes and the generation of genetically engineered mouse models to study MMP function.
In the course of studying why MMP inhibitors were ineffective in human therapy, Dr. Matrisian helped define the types of information basic scientists need to provide to facilitate translation of research findings into the clinic and she led translational research initiatives at the National Cancer Institute. As the founding chair of the cancer biology department at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, she mentored countless students and emphasized an interdisciplinary approach to research.
Career Highlights
2013 MBA, Executive Program, Vanderbilt University
2012-present Vice President, Scientific & Medical Affairs, Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
2010 President, Cancer Biology Training Consortium (CaBTraC)
2007-2010 Special Assistant, Office of the Director, National Cancer Institute
2006 Paget-Ewing Award, Metastasis Research Society
2004-2005 President, AACR
2000-2011 Professor and Chair, Department of Cancer Biology, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
1999-2011 Ingram Distinguished Professor of Cancer Research, Vanderbilt University
1998-2000; 2006-2010 Board of Directors, Metastasis Research Society
1997-2000 Board of Directors, American Association for Cancer Research
1986-2000 Faculty, Department of Cell Biology, Vanderbilt University
1982 PhD, University of Arizona