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AACR Early-career Hill Day

2025 AACR Early-career Hill Day will take place February 25-26, 2025.

The AACR Early-career Hill Day is an annual event that brings a group of AACR Associate members to advocate for robust, sustained and predictable funding for cancer research and biomedical science through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), on behalf of early-career cancer researchers. Over the course of more than 50 total congressional visits during a single day, participants are able to stress how important it is to invest in the future of cancer research and provide their own personal perspectives as the investigators whose careers may be most impacted by the support of this essential funding. Participants receive support from AACR staff and are accompanied by one or more established investigators with significant advocacy experience. This event is an important opportunity for the AACR’s Associate members to engage in advocacy at the federal level and educate lawmakers on the progress and promise in cancer research.

In addition to receiving advocacy training in advance of the event, all participants will have the opportunity to hear from a NCI/NIH representative and a member of Congress, and/or his/her legislative staff, about the current state of biomedical research funding within the United States. On the day of the Hill meetings, participants will be divided into groups to meet with senators and representatives and/or their key staff member(s). Each group will attend four to six meetings with House and Senate offices throughout the event. During each meeting, participants will have the opportunity to share firsthand stories about the impact of cancer research funding on their career and how cancer may have personally touched their life or that of a loved one. #AACRontheHill

Eligibility Criteria

  • The applicant must be an AACR Associate member;
  • The applicant must reside or study/work in the United States.

During selection process, priority will be given to those who have not participated in person in prior years.

National Day of Action

While there is always a limited number of spaces to attend the AACR Early-career Hill Day, there is still an opportunity for people to get involved from anywhere in the United States at the same time that the participants are meeting with Congress. The AACR encourages all early-career investigators and those who support them to join in an all-day movement, the National Day of Action, to reinforce the messages of their colleagues by contacting their congressional representatives and senators to urge their support for robust, sustained and predictable funding increases for the NIH. It only takes a few minutes to send an email and/or call your congressional representative and senators, and your voice can greatly help advance and ensure maximum impact of our message to Congress!  Learn More.

Reflection from Past Participants

“This event was a tremendous occasion as it trained me and my fellow early-career bench scientists in how to take our story and message to Capitol Hill. As a biomedical scientist, I have been trained in the responsibilities in the laboratory. But I also see the great value in being a ‘civic’ scientist. Each and every one of us has a part to play in bridging the gap between science and society.” – Lee D. Gibbs, BS

This year’s AACR Early-career Hill Day was a valuable learning experience for me. I gained unique insight into the legislative environment that directly influences funding for biomedical research, and realized that fostering dialogue between young scientists and policymakers is highly important. Through my meetings with congressional offices, I was encouraged to learn that legislators are aware and concerned about the exceptionally competitive funding situation being faced by researchers, and are working towards alleviating this problem by increasing the NIH budget.” – Jennifer C. Shing, PhD

“My driving passion is in making an impact on cancer and I can now appreciate that science policy and legislation is a powerful avenue to do that.” – Eric C. Woolf, MS

Additional information about the AACR Early-career Hill Day as well as photos can be found on Twitter via #AACRontheHill and #FundNIH.


AACR Membership and Professional Development Department
615 Chestnut Street, 17th floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404
Phone: 215-440-9300