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Meet the 2023-2024 Associate Member Council (AMC)

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What is the Associate Member Council

Since its inception in 1996, the Associate Member Council (AMC) has served as the leadership body of the Associate members of the AACR who are made up of graduate students, medical students and residents, and clinical and postdoctoral fellows who are enrolled in educational or training programs leading to careers in cancer research, anywhere in the world. The members of the council, who serve three-year terms, develop programs that address the particular needs of early-career scientists. Additionally, the council acts as an advisory body to the AACR leadership on issues of concern to the next generation of cancer researchers.


The council supports the AACR’s mission to prevent and cure cancer by promoting the professional development of early-career scientists throughout the world. The goal of the council is to foster excellence in cancer research through initiatives related to communications, education and training, and collaboration.

The council helps develop and support AACR programs and initiatives to address the needs and concerns of early-career investigators in cancer research and promotes Associate member recruitment, retention, and engagement. Annual Meeting programs organized by the council include professional advancement and special sessions featuring AACR senior scientists and recently transitioned early-stage cancer investigators, an Associate Member Meet and Greet, through its work within the AACR, the council supports Associate members, and all early-career cancer researchers, as they continue to advance in their careers.

Get Involved

  • Apply to serve. Acting as an advisory body to the AACR leadership, the AMC reflects the diversity represented by the growing and ever-changing needs of AACR Associate Members. Early-career AACR Associate members from any cancer research field at the graduate, medical student or resident, or clinical or postdoctoral stage of their career may apply to serve a three-year term on the AMC starting at the following year’s Annual Meeting. Four candidates are selected annually to join the AMC based on their research strengths, leadership experience, commitment and capacity to take on extracurricular roles, and the diversity they could provide.
  • Attend our AMC-organized sessions at the Annual Meeting and participate in discussions with AMC and AACR leadership.
  • Follow us on Twitter and actively participate in the conversations (@AACR #AACRAMC) or join our LinkedIn group the AACR Early-career Researcher Network
  • Participate in our surveys and provide feedback and suggestions on a regular basis through our website, email or social media channels.
  • Support current and new initiatives designed to meet the changing needs of the Associate membership. The AMC seeks support of its initiatives related to communications, education and training, and collaboration. If you would like to support the AMC initiatives and programs, please let us know.

Contact Information

AACR Membership and Professional Development Department
615 Chestnut Street, 17th floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404
Phone: 215-440-9300