MICR Member Spotlight
The MICR Member Spotlight exists to focus attention on the recent awards, promotions, degree completions, and appointments of AACR-Minorities in Cancer Research members.
The mission of MICR is to prevent and cure cancer while meeting the professional needs and advancing the careers of minority scientists. Sending your accolades to us for the “MICR Member Spotlight” will increase the visibility and recognition of the outstanding contributions minority scientists are regularly making to the field of cancer research.
Call for Spotlight Nominations
Have you or a colleague recently made a career advancement, earned a degree, had a major publication, or received an award? Share your accomplishments or those of your colleagues for our MICR member spotlight. Let’s celebrate our successes together. Let the MICR community know what is going on in your life. Send us an email to request the MICR Spotlight Form.
AACR Minorities in Cancer Research Spotlight
MICR members Antonio T. Baines, Ashley Leak Bryant, Marjory Charlot, Checo J. Rorie, and Clayton C. Yates, participated in an engaging and stimulating webinar series on Exploring Cancer: Examining the Role of Biology, Race, Class, and Socioeconomics.
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