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MICR Newsletter

Fall 2021

Message from the MICR Chairperson

Gerardo Colón-Otero, MD

Gerardo Colón-Otero, MD

Director, Health Disparities Research; Associate Dean, Mayo Medical School; Professor, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Mayo Clinic Cancer Center

Jacksonville, Florida

It is a great honor for me to serve as chair of the MICR Council for the 2021-22 term. I can attest to the commitment of my colleagues on the Council and the unwavering support of Dr. Foti and the AACR leadership to MICR goals. Read more.

Meet Members of the MICR Council

The MICR Council is the advisory body to the AACR leadership on issues of concern to minority investigators and is also responsible for spearheading the initiatives and organizing activities of MICR through its committees. Congratulations are extended to MICR Council members on their recent achievements; Dr. John D. Carpten for being inducted as an AACR Fellow and being elected to serve on the AACR Board of Directors alongside Drs. Luis A. Diaz, Jr., and Lisa A. Newman. Additional congratulations are extended to Drs. Carpten and Diaz who have been appointed by President Biden to serve on the National Cancer Advisory Board. Lastly, we are pleased to introduce newly elected council members, Drs. Lourdes A. Baezconde-Garbanati, Melissa B. Davis, and Dorothy A. Rhoades. Meet the council.

AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved

The 14th Annual AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved, held in association with the MICR Council, took place virtually October 6-8, 2021. This year’s outstanding conference was co-chaired by Drs. Melissa B. Davis, Tamara L. Lotan, Camille C. R. Ragin, and Jose G. Trevino and included a Keynote Address from Dr. Robert A. Winn. Additionally, MICR sponsored a successful program that included a Professional Advancement Session titled, “Why should I hire you and Why should I retain you?” Learn more and meet the scholars.

AACR Research Funding

Applications are currently being accepted for Career Development Awards and Fellowships in various areas including new awards to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. Learn more and apply today. Current Funding Opportunities.

Scholar Awards for Minority Trainees, Faculty, and Faculty at Minority-Serving Institutions

MICR Scholar awards are available for the participation of full-time minority faculty, faculty of Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs), and early-career minority scientists in the AACR Annual Meeting and Special Conferences. This meritorious award includes registration, financial support to attend the in-person meetings, and exclusive opportunities for networking and participation in activities presented by the MICR Council. Learn more.

Be Sure to Attend the AACR Annual Meeting 2022

The AACR Annual Meeting 2022 will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana, April 8-13, 2022. The AACR Annual Meeting is the focal point of the cancer research community, where scientists, clinicians, other health care professionals, survivors and advocates gather to share the latest advances in cancer science and medicine. Submit an abstract, apply for a travel award, join us for MICR activities. Learn more.

AACR Educational Workshop:  Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation Diversity in Clinical Trials Career Development Program 

This multidisciplinary, intensive educational workshop will introduce early-stage investigators (as defined by NIH) underrepresented in medicine, or physicians who have a demonstrated commitment to increasing diversity in clinical research, to the principles of effective clinical trial design and community engagement. Physicians with a focus in cancer (hematology and oncology), cardiovascular disease, non-benign hematologic diseases, and immunologic disorders, selected to participate in the workshop will be provided with the educational foundation and the tools needed to conduct clinical trials that will have the potential to increase the participation of diverse populations in clinical trials and ultimately impact patient care. Learn more.

Member Spotlight

The MICR Member Spotlight exists to focus attention on the recent awards, promotions, degree completions, and appointments of AACR-Minorities in Cancer Research members. Sending your accolades to us for the “MICR Member Spotlight” will increase the visibility and recognition of the outstanding contributions minority scientists are regularly making to the field of cancer research. MICR Spotlight.

AACR Cancer Progress Report

The AACR Cancer Progress Report 2021 illustrates how the dedicated efforts of individuals working across the spectrum of cancer science and medicine are constantly powering the translation of new research discoveries into lifesaving advances for people in the United States and around the world. Read more.

Tell a Colleague and Trainee About AACR Membership

AACR and MICR members enjoy exclusive benefits of membership. Tell your colleagues and trainees about membership and encourage them to join. As a reminder, membership is free for fellows, graduate and medical students, undergraduates, and high school students. Become a Member.

Visit to browse through and apply for job openings advertised by some of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, cancer research institutions, government, academia, and other organizations for free. Learn more.

Minorities in Cancer Research
American Association for Cancer Research
615 Chestnut Street, 17th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19016-4404
Phone: 215-440-9300
Fax: 215-440-9412