WICR Committees
Women in Cancer Research is seeking volunteers for committee service, input for programming ideas and assistance with initiatives. If you are interested in committee service, please email [email protected].
Professional Advancement Committees
Suggests topics and activities that foster opportunities which lead to educational success and professional advancement for women investigators in the field of cancer research. WICR sponsors two sessions at the Annual Meeting each year: the Career Mentoring Session and the Professional Advancement Session.
WICR Communications Committee
The purpose of the Communications Committee is to keep WICR members up to date on the latest news pertinent to women in cancer research, list job openings, provide funding opportunities, and inform members of relevant programs from WICR and AACR and more, via the WICR website and the quarterly Newsletter.
WICR Membership Development Committee
The mission of the Membership Development Committee is to increase and sustain WICR membership. The following areas fall under this category: WICR Recruitment, WICR Retention, and WICR-presented AACR Annual Meeting Activities. Members of this committee also suggest WICR members for the WICR Members Spotlight.
WICR Scholar Awards Selection Committee
AACR-WICR Scholar Awards are awarded to members of Women in Cancer Research who are scientists-in-training and presenters of meritorious scientific papers at AACR Annual Meetings. The WICR Scholar Award Committee makes selection for these competitive awards after careful consideration of the candidate’s abstract and recommendation letter.