AACR Cancer Policy Monitor
Subscribe to the AACR Cancer Policy Monitor

From funding research grants to minimizing the barriers to clinical trials, the decisions made in Washington, D.C., directly influence the rate of progress against cancer. Issues regarding health and science are becoming increasingly complex, and competition for limited resources is steadily increasing. These times require that cancer researchers become more actively involved in the policy-making process.
The AACR Cancer Policy Monitor will empower you with the most current, objective, and relevant information to help bridge cancer research, cancer policy, and the political process. The articles, links, and analysis in each monthly edition will keep you informed and equipped to be a more active voice in the policy arena on the challenges that impact the cancer research enterprise.
The goal of the AACR Cancer Policy Monitor is to connect you with the activities on and around Capitol Hill and keep you fully informed about the federal policies that influence cancer research. We encourage member feedback and suggestions about this newsletter so that we can ensure it covers the material most important to you.
Members of Congress often gauge the importance of an issue to their constituency by the quantity of correspondence that they receive on that topic. Make sure your voice is heard on current issues; look up your representatives’ contact information below and reach out to them today.
Contact Us: govrelations@aacr.org