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Research Funding Impact

Since 1993, the AACR has awarded more than $540 million in grants to fund meritorious research projects across the spectrum of cancer science, including basic, translational, and clinical research. See how the AACR grants program has contributed to the AACR's mission.

Making an Impact on Rare Tumors

Making an Impact on Rare Tumors

A grant from the AACR in 2000 helped Karlyne Reilly, PhD, launch her career in cancer research. She is now head of the Rare Tumor Initiative at the National Cancer Institute and works to involve scientists, patients, family members, advocates, and healthcare providers in the search for treatments for rare cancers.

Sunil Hingorani and the Small Patients

Sunil Hingorani and the Small Patients

At the start of his career, Sunil Hingorani, MD, PhD, now at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, had a life-altering experience in caring for a patient with pancreatic cancer. A grant from the AACR in 2005 led him into an investigation that changed his approach to the disease.