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AACR Cancer Centers Alliance

Basic and clinical cancer research discoveries stemming from the nation’s cancer centers have markedly improved outcomes for many cancer patients. Despite this forward momentum in our progress against this complex disease, cancer in all its forms remains a major public health challenge that touches the lives of nearly every American, either directly or indirectly. The AACR Cancer Centers Alliance will accelerate the pace of discovery by providing an ongoing mechanism for transferring new knowledge, sharing resources, developing national demonstration projects, and driving innovation that impacts cancer science, cancer care delivery, and science and health policy.

The AACR Cancer Centers Alliance will bring together these world-class institutions with the goal of facilitating collaboration and markedly expanding their scope and impact for the benefit of all patients. While a number of important areas of collaboration have been identified, the Alliance will initially focus on four main areas of collaboration:

  • Basic and translational research
  • Clinical research, clinical trials, and regulatory science and policy
  • Education, training, professional advancement, and diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Speaking with a unified voice

By prioritizing collaborations that maximize synergies across cancer centers and that leverage each center’s unique strengths, the Alliance will be a powerful force in accelerating the pace of cancer discovery, fostering health equity, and saving more lives from cancer.

About the Alliance

Join the Alliance

Directors of cancer centers who wish to join the AACR Cancer Centers Alliance should contact Helen Wang in the Executive Office at

AACR Cancer Center Directors Alliance Steering Committee

David A. Tuveson, MD, PhD, FAACR

David A. Tuveson, MD, PhD, FAACR

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cancer Center
Cold Spring Harbor, New York
Steering Committee Chair

Carlos L. Arteaga, MD, FAACR

Carlos L. Arteaga, MD, FAACR

Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center at UT Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, Texas
Subgroup Co-Chair: Clinical Research, Clinical Trials, and Regulatory Science and Policy

John L. Cleveland, PhD

John L. Cleveland, PhD

Moffitt Cancer Center
Tampa, Florida
Subgroup Chair: Basic and Translational Research

Ruben A. Mesa, MD

Ruben A. Mesa, MD

Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Comprehensive Cancer Center
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Subgroup Chair: Education, Training, Professional Advancement, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Louis M. Weiner, MD

Louis M. Weiner, MD

Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Washington, D.C.
Subgroup Co-Chair: Clinical Research, Clinical Trials, and Regulatory Science and Policy

Cheryl L. Willman, MD

Cheryl L. Willman, MD

Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center
Rochester, Minnesota
Subgroup Chair: Speaking with a Unified Voice