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GENIE 17.0-Public Release

March is Colorectal awareness month. As highlighted in a recent blog post, new advances are being made in the use of vaccines for treatment of this disease.​

The #AACRGENIE 17.0 public release provides a detailed look at the genomic landscape of colorectal cancer, offering valuable insights. The registry includes 19,544 patients and 20,599 samples, helping to deepen our understanding of this cancer. TP53, APC, KRAS and PIK3CA are the most frequently mutated genes among other key mutations. ​

These data highlight several clinically actionable alterations, including BRAF V600E and KRAS G12C mutations, ERBB2 amplification, as well as NTRK1, NTRK2, NTRK3, and RET fusions.

In addition, the #AACRGENIE BioPharma Collaborative (BPC) Colorectal 2.0-public cohort contains deep clinical annotation on 1,485 patients and 1,551 samples from the main GENIE registry.​


Visit AACR PROJECT GENIE® BLOG for further information.